There was a time when Friday Night Smackdown was, as John Laurinitus put it, "Destination TV" for hardcore wrestling fans. The 15-20 minute matches were plentiful. The meaningful angles were overarching and always present. Heel/ babyface turns were well thought out and effective. If your not too sure about which time frame I'm talking about here, go to my old blog and look up the article I wrote on John Morrison (http://hardcorefanssperspective.blogspot.com.au/2011/08/distinguishing-what-is-hot-hardcore.html ).
These days, Smackdown is a show that, if you miss it, you wouldn't of missed much. It's like WWE are convinced that the demographic that watch Smackdown on SyFy are a segmentation of the fan base that don't mean much. Am i over reacting? Well, look back on the matches and the storylines of Smackdown for the last few weeks. Now, tell me how many times:
- are matches contested on Smackdown (i.e Ziggler/Shaemus), then REPEATED on RAW for the USA network audience.
- are pivotal storyline developments played out on Smackdown that actually add to the overall narrative progression.
This week's Smackdown was a prime example of this. We saw a bunch of matches we had seen a million times before (ie Prime time players vs Usos), that were thrown together without any premise or purpose. On TNA this week, EVERY MATCH had a reason for existing. Here on Smackdown, im scratching my head wondering WHY Dolph Ziggler is wrestling Shaemus for the 1935332nd time seeing as though he has lost every time he has wrestled the World Heavyweight Champion! It's never explained by the commentators. It's not even expanded upon in a graphic or a video package. That being said, 2 of the matches this Friday were probably some of the best matches of the week (Kane/Bryan Ziggler/Sheamus). But thats not the point. In regards to storylines, we saw AJ screw up a finish for Daniel Bryan as the time keeper and we saw the Prime Time Players get into a brawl with Primo and Epico. Two "major" plot points in two hours. And no, i don't count Brodus Clay being beaten up (and just BURIED) by Big Show as "significant". Furthermore, these are plot points that are so insignificant, you could easily afford seeing in a recap video on RAW. Thus, the habit of regarding Smackdown as a missable show emerges.
Pro-wrestling should be continually telling a LOGICAL (logical being the key word here) story inside the ring and outside the ring. Right now, Smackdown is coming across as a glorified version of WWE Superstars. Which is a shame, becuase i really miss the 2002 and 2009 eras when Smackdown was the show to watch.
So with only 2 major storyline "progressions" and a handful of matches on Smackdown this week, what else is there to fill in the time you ask? WWE comedy! No, not the 2006 WWE comedy, 2012 WWE comedy. This stuff is like nails on a chalk board.
In 2006, we had backstage comedy skits that were so over the top- maybe, at times, they were mature in nature- but were done with the right people who knew what they were doing. Who could ever forget William Regal dancing with Vince McMahon to Cryme Tyme's "Money Money Yeah Yeah" rap at the Survivor Series that year. In fact, my most fond memories when it comes to laughing at WWE involves the englishman and the Chairman. Back then, comedy felt improvised because the producers had faith that the performers involved could get the reaction they were after. Today, it's a different story.
Jokes in 2012 WWE are stereotyped and written in the most staged manner possible. Case in point: Yoshi Tatsu's claim to fame this week is being told by Vickie "don't you have some SUSHI to eat somewhere?" GET IT !? BECAUSE HE'S JAPANESE??? This was followed later in the show with Santino getting kissed by a "fan" in the middle of the ring. Thankfuly, Santino is good at what he does as he got a chuckle out of me with his facial expression, but i wasn't on the floor loosing it. Why is that?
Well, maybe it has to do with the scripts that are being produced these days. The jokes come off as so blatent and forced that it is hard for someone such as myself to find it funny. Comedy needs to be natural.
Maybe it has to do with the demographic these scripts are targeting. We all know that WWE is child friendly these days. But i guarentee, if i showed children Stone Cold Steve Austin interacting with any WWE superstar during his 2003 run and then imediately showed the segment involving the GREAT KAHLI dancing with Mick Foley, Stone Cold would get the biggest reaction.
Maybe i just answered my own question. Maybe it's the caliber of talent that is delivering the comedy. Stone Cold is long gone. WWE feels it necessary to keep Regal off TV. Santino is the last great comedian in the WWE (who could forget his "rivalry" with Stone Cold Steve Austin in 2005??). However, if you don't have a talented performer to work against, comedic segments can only be so funny.
This leaves Smackdown with an assortment of skits that :
- relies on unintelligent slapstick
- pokes fun at the Japanese fan base
- that insult the appearance and the lack of english of an Indian man who will be lucky if he is walking in 5 years.
These issues can be fixed and adjusted. The question is, does WWE really see them as an issue?
The biggest positive coming out of Smackdown this week is that we had 3 good to great matches that were paced beautifully and given plenty of time. My TNA impact review praised the show for being a wrestling-based spectacle that included 9 matches that, for the most part, came off as exciting and engaging ( http://wrestlingsweeklyropebreak.blogspot.com.au/2012/06/3-count-review-tna-impact-wrestling.html) . While i thought 10 minute time limit contests worked for the Bound for Glory series structure and Open Fight Night, in retrospect, i think 9 matches might have been a bit over the top. Smackdown made me re-think my original opinion.
Christian/Del Rio, Kane/Bryan and Ziggler/Shaemus made me appreciate something that TNA lacked this week: time for their matches. While Joe/Storm was fast paced and exhilierating, it only went for about 6 minutes and was over before i knew it. Kane/Bryan evoked the same emotions as Joe/Storm, but the finish felt much more satisfying and "well deserved". Why? Because more time was given to these performers so they could build the mach more complexly. Kane was worn down by Bryan and his submission arsenal. Everytime Kane showed some fire, Bryan cut him off with an arial move. This happened multiple times over 15+ minutes so that when Kane FINALLY got the advantage, the crowd couldnt wait for him to defeat Bryan. it is important for pro wrestlers to earn the reaction of the crowd and most professionals can do it in a 15-20minute time period.
This is not to disregard the great work on TNA this week. Far from it. But any wrestler would tell you they would love 20 minutes instead of 10 to give the audience more time to invest in the story they wish to present.
Match Results:
Match No. 1:
Two Local "athletes" via pinfall (2 on 1 Handicap Match)
Rating: SQUASH
If you have seen one Ryback squash, you have seen them all. He threw in a few variations to his suplexes and slams but nothing overly amazing. The biggest problem in this 'push' is that none of the top tier wrestlers are this light and this small (bar Rey Mysterio). So, how is this guy going to look impressive against guys like Cena and Orton? I guess time will tell, but the future looks very limited for big ol' Ryback.
The only thing to make note of was that the crowd were chanting along with Ryback. "Feed me More" seemed to be the chant of the match. However, due to Smackdown being taped, you have to wonder how many people were ACTUALLY chanting for this man.
Match No 2:
Alberto Del Rio
Intercontinental Champion Christain via submission
Rating: ** 1/4
The first of 3 great matches on Smackdown. However, i think this one was the worst of the 3. I don't know what it was, but i just couldn't get into this as much as i thought. Del Rio's offense was a tad flat and i think they lost the crowd mid way through the match. Maybe this had something to do with the crowd not totally being into Christian as a babyface yet? Thankfully, they regained it for the finish as Christian produced a fantastic babyface comeback. Young wrestlers should analyze how well Christian sells his injuries throughout the contest. Smart pro-wrestling performance. The actual finish was again, a tad clunky as there was some confusion after Christian hit his pendulum kick in the corner. Regardless, a lot of false finishes kept the energy level high, with Del Rio eventually slapping on the Cross-Arm Breaker for the "W". This means that Del Rio has defeated BOTH the US Champ and IC Champ this week. If they have big plans for Del Rio, here's hoping that they continue this man's momentum. Rhodes attacking Christian post-match was fiery and good, but its hard to get into a guy who has been beaten and repeatedly buried every week. Sorry Cody. Blame it on WWE booking.
Match No. 3 (AJ as Special Time Keeper):
Daniel Bryan via pinfall
*Match of the Night*
Rating: ** 3/4
Wow. Who would of thought i would be becoming a massive fan of Kane's work. The in-ring rub of CM Punk and Bryan is doing wonders for the giant. I found this match great from start to finish. Bryan's ground and pound submission style put him over big time as a guy who is small, but someone who could take you down. Kane retaliated with some stiff offense that Bryan sold to a tee. Sure, there was a botch spot near the end, but they recovered in seconds and followed up with some great reversal sequences involving a SUPER STIFF kick to Kane's cranium. What truelly got me was the sequence that lead to Kane being trapped in the guillotine (one of Bryan's old finishers). From Chokeslam to Yes Lock, from Yes Lock to Chokeslam to Bryan's guillotine, i was on the edge of my seat. What made this sequence even better was that after Kane escaped this move, Bryan IMEDIATELY went to the Yes Lock. Smart wrestling here. Because Kane has only tapped once in his career, Bryan combined his two finishers together to provide the allusion to the audience that Kane might actually give it up (pity the announcers didn't pick up on this.) AJ's involvement was limited and when she did, it didn't trash the body of work in the ring. Sure, Bryan lost AGAIN due to AJ, but its hard to be angry when both Kane and Bryan put forward an unexpectedly AWESOME performance here on Friday Night Smackdown.
Match No.5:
Zack Ryder
Heath Slater via pinfall
Rating: DUD
To tell you the truth, before i could finish a tweet about the segment that lead to this match, Ryder had already pinned Slater. So unfortunately, all i caught was the Rough Ryder. I would imagine this would of been an acceptable match, but this dosn't change the fact thatWWE have a backwards way of pushing young talent. I don't get it. They bury Ryder every week but fans still cheer for him because the guy has charisma. Then, when it comes to his home town (Long Island), the crowd is chanting "We Want Ryder!" but they don't even have him live on RAW. WHY? Is he a bad ratings draw or something? They probably think that having him on Smackdown will keep fans happy. But if they think they 'repaired' Ryder after him not being on RAW in Long Island, they are dead wrong. Sure, he got a big reaction, but i can guarentee WWE will have him on Superstars next week. It will take more than a victory over Heath "Jobber" Slater to get the credibility he had back. Once again, a DAMN SHAME.
Match No. 6:
The Prime Time Players (w/ A.W)
The Usos via pinfall
Rating: * 3/4
I am liking the combination of AW and the Prime Time Players. I also have a feeling i am going to like AW in his role after all is said and done. Considering The Prime Time Players aren't the best in-ring workers, i think it is important that AW bring out the positives in the team. In this case, he helps expand upon Oniel and Young's charisma. His introduction of the team is annoying, but in a good way. His constant coach-like chatter during their matches can actually be heard via his headset and this makes the No. 1 contender's matches feel real and competitive. Combined this with the Uso's ring work and the match was ok. Usos are great but The Prime Time Players are still average in the ring. Time and more matches with teams like the Usos will help. But at the end of the day, AW was the highlight for me, while the in ring work was nothing overly exciting.
Match No. 7:
World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus
Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero)
Rating: **3/4
The main event for Smackdown was a match we have seen SO many times before. This didn't mean it wasn't great, because it was. But the fact that i have seen Ziggler dropkick Sheamus in the face 6 weeks in a row makes this move and this match seem kind of boring. never thought i would say this, but its true. I was bored mid-way through this match. Repeating this match over and over also dosn't do wonders when it comes to pairing these two down line the line at PPVs or in another programs. This means it is going to be a LONG time untill this match is considered fresh in the eyes of fans.
It also dosn't help that Sheamus BEAT ZIGGLER AGAIN! I seriously do not understand the logic behind this. You have Ziggler claim that he wants to be a singles wrestler a few weeks back. But you immediately put him up against guys that the company has no intention of jobbing. So, the end result is Ziggler loosing EVERY SINGLE MATCH SINCE BECOMING A SINGLES COMPETITOR (bar the 4-way match last week). How the hell is this talented athlete meant to get over as a legitimate main eventer? The guy has been with the WWE since 2007. I think he has "paid his dues" by now! Sure, Ziggler is the "show off". But what the HELL is he "showing off" when looses all the time? Yes, he's a good worker (maybe even a great worker), but there comes a time when your "great worker" needs to start WINNING regardless of who he is. There's no shame in having your heel actually back up his arogant claims once in a while. Thats the beauty of the arogant heel character: he's actually so good that it pains you as an audience member to accept it. THAT'S WHY YOU HATE HIM! The next thing we will have is Michael Cole telling us that Sheamus and Ziggler are "intertwined in one of the most competitive rivalies in recent memory" just like he did with Christain and Orton last year. Remember that one? where Christain won 1 of 6 matches with the viper over the World Heavyweight championship? Just ridiculous and frustrating "storytelling" that detracts the audience from the great matches these two always have.
After all this complaining, the match was definately one of the better these two have had. Great chain wrestling to start combined with an entertaining "feeling out process". The big transition of the match (Ziggler's Fame-Asser off the ring steps) was a great visual and definately got the fans interested if they wern't interested already. In fact, the crowd quickly became divided as the knowledgable fan base began chanting "Lets Go Ziggler". Ziggler's intensity in keeping Sheamus grounded was appreciated and Sheamus comeback was stiff and agressive. The finish was fantastic in the story it told: 2 wrestlers exhausted, trying to hit the other with everything they had. Like the Storm/Joe match, Sheamus' Brouge Kick finish came out of nowhere and looked absolutely FANTASTIC. The finish and sequences that lead to it enforced the incredible skill both Sheamus and Ziggler have in selling and conncecting with the audience.
A great main event to an episode of Friday Night Smackdown that had a handful of good matches surrounded by missable and somewhat boring filler.
Thats all folks! Be sure to subscribe to the blog, comment and tell me what you thought about Smackdown this week. As always, be sure to follow me on Twitter ( @JoelysWrestling ) this
coming Tuesday for a live tweet-review of WWE RAW (Tuesday Morning: US
and Tuesday Afternoon: Aust)
After a disappointing week last week, can RAW rebound with a stellar
show with only a few weeks untill WWE Money in the Bank? Here's hoping!