Friday, 29 June 2012

NXT in a Nutshell 27/06/12

For those who have been living under a rock for the last 2 weeks and have no idea what the "New NXT" is all about, it's the official television show for WWE's up and coming talent. It is no longer taped before Smackdown. Instead, the show has its own separate arena and it's own separate fans who come especially for NXT stars. The show is old-school in its presentation ( its got an old NWA/AWA television studio feel to it) the legendary Jim Ross heads the commentary and it is a pure wrestling production. Very little fluff. All action.

After watching episode 1 last week, there should be no doubt that "The New NXT" has got my hardcore fan tick of approval, so without further ado, let's analyze and critique this weeks action!

Match Results:

Match No. 1:

Seth Rolands 

Rating: * 3/4


This was the first of 7 matches on the show. While I am a fan of plenty of action, I would usually be annoyed that 1 hour of television would have so many 90-180second matches. But this is only the second episode of NXT and they need to get over they stars they wish to push. And what better way to do this but in quick squash matches, just like the old days! GREAT!

Roland's, the former ROH World Champion, looked fine in his debut match. Putting him against a stiff and hard-hitting Japanese combatant such as Jiro gave this squash a faster paced, more aggressive feel to it than others. Rolands' finisher was a mix of Regal's running knee lift and Booker T's Scissors Kick and I'm not totally sold on it yet. Regardless, I like Rolands' edginess/ heavy metal look and he moved great in this short match

Match No. 2:

Jinder Mahal 
Jimmy Jacobs 

Rating: * 1/2


This match fell flat with the live crowd and I think I know why. If WWE's intention was to get the crowd behind Jacobs via Mahal dominating him all match, that was a flawed tactic. Sure, Jacobs (a mix between Carlito and Darren Young) was on TV last week, but he didn't wrestle and the crowd dosn't know him from a bar of soap yet. Thus, it is WAY too early for fans to get behind designated babyfaces in matches like this.

However, if Mahal is to be an NXT mainstayer from here on in, then this match completely put him over as a man to be reckoned with on NXT. Jacobs got no offense and tapped out to Mahal's Camel Clutch. It was another fine, aggressive squash that did its job. however, it's Jinder Mahal in the ring so I can only care so much.

Match No. 3:

Leo Kruger 
Aiden English 
Rating: * 1/2


The intro promo for Kruger was one of the most confusing promos I've watched in a while. So, let me get this straight. Kruger is South African, he compares himself to a lion/beast in the African Jungle, yet he speaks in an English Accent and dresses like he is Nick Bockwinkle....who is this guy!? Furthermore, the guy comes out to British-like fanfare. I love this music for an arrogant heel, but this character needs to be refined and channeled better.

The match was one of the more basic squashes wrestling wise (i.e 2 signature moves and a submission finisher), but Kruger has some entertaining charisma so this was fine.

Match No. 4:

The Ascension 
The Usos 
Rating: * 3/4


The fact that Ascension defeat these Smackdown regulars says a lot about what management thinks about this new team. These guys are a mix between Kronik ( for all you WCW 2000 fans) and Sean O'Hair/Chuck Palumbo. Their dramatic theme music and dark entrance gives these guys an important feel and presence even before the bell rings. However, they need to transfer this dark personality into their in-ring action. The Usos carried Ascension to an acceptable tag match, but the new duo wrestled like a paint-by-numbers tag team. It's going to take more than, taging in and out multiple times for this team to get over in the long run. But they have the WWE machine behind them at the moment, and that can do wonders for any up and coming stars.

Match No. 5:

Richie Steamboat 
Rick Victor 

Rating: * 1/2


I was a HUGE FAN of Steamboat's promo video. They raided the WWE video archive for this one and found some literally emotional moments between a 2 yr old Richie Steamboat and father Ricky for the old WCW days. I also love how they included contrast shots of Steamboat performing his signature moves (Karate Chop, Flying Cross Body etc) and compared them to Richie's current arsenal. His outlook on his own career felt believable and you couldn't help but get excited to see what this kid could do in the ring.

This match was a tad more competitive than others on this show, but that was totally fine. Steamboat is a natural athlete and his in-ring work shows it. He flew around the ring with ease and for the most part, his offense was crisp. His babyface comeback was a little artificial and fake compared to his Father's legendary ability to get the crowd to care. But the crowd still cheered for Richie and it was an extra nice touch having father Ricky at ringside cheering on his son. All around, my segment of the show!

Match No. 6:

Antonio Ceasaro (w/ Aksana) def Dante Dash 
 Rating: * 1/4


I wasn't a fan of this match. Sure, Caesaro gets over by having him destroy a massive opponent (Dante was the guy who bench pressed 550 pounds in the John Cena hype video for WM 28 and is a cross between Monty Brown and Eziekel Jackson), but I have already seen Antonio squash geeks. I saw this 3 weeks in a row on Smackdown. We shlould all know that this former ROH legend has the in-ring skills to carry a competitive match. So why not see this side of Ceasaro on his first NXT match? I already see this guy as a legit up and comer. All in all, a missed opportunity here to showcase what this former ROH great can do.

Match No. 7:

Derrick Bateman def Johnny Curtis

*Match of the Night*

Rating: **


A perfectly fine, lengthy mainevent that unfortunately couldn't hold a candle to Migilicuty and Tyson Kid's *** 1/4 star epic last week. But these two established NXTers provided us with a logical contest that focused on a body part. These matches, if done well, can automatically get the crowd invested. Sure enough, Bateman got chants mid-way through this match and maintained the audience throughout. Both men should be commended for this. I really liked the finish: Curtis went for a Dragon Screw ( the same move that started Curtis's attack on Bateman's leg) , but Bateman the banyface learned from his mistake, reversed the move into a front-forward DDT for the 1-2-3. Great sequence for a well-worked match.

Final Thoughts: This show is a breath of fresh air compared to the overly complicated, illogical mess the WWE can be sometimes. Currently, Its a wrestling show that centers around establishing performers the fans should care about. It's straightforward and to the point. Yes, NXT is still in it's early days and I could be jumping the gun here, but right now, NXT is pushing all the right buttons. In short, NXT makes me look forward to it's future.

That's all folks! Be sure to check out the home page tomorrow night for two reviews for the price of one! Yes, I'll have Impact AND Smackdown reports up discussing all the action from Thursday and Friday's show. Untill then, enjoy your wrestling!!

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