Sunday 8 July 2012

What will tomorrow bring??

Hey all,

Unfortunately I didn't get time to write a TNA report this week. In a nut shell, the show was great as usual, as TNA turned up the heat on the upcoming World Title match at Destination X with some explosive segments, provided us with another great wrestling match main event between James Storm and Jeff Hardy AND implemented some great video packages hyping the PPV and next week's Impact. Tremendous stuff. If you aren't watching Impact because of its past, I strongly advise you to give the new TNA another chance. You WON'T be disappointed.

Speaking of the next PPV, I will be watching TNA Destination X tonight and will be providing my first PPV review. The review should be up by Tuesday morning (Australian time). In the meantime, watch Impact's go-home show for Destination X.

Again, you WON'T be disappointed.

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