Friday 13 July 2012

Wrestling's Weekly Rope Break is back on Twitter! (@WrestlingRBreak)

Yes Folks, you heard right!

Instead of waiting for my Twitter "suspension" to be "reviewed" and "processed", a new Twitter account has been created so all of you can continue to follow Wrestling's Weekly Rope Break everywhere you go.

Don't like the long, drawn out reviews? Why not follow me on Twitter instead! search for @wrestlingrbreak and press the "follow" button. Easy as that!

After watching each show, i will give a concise, 3-4 tweet review of each show while providing continuous links to any blog reviews you may have missed. I also encourage all to comment and discuss. Like my reviews? Want to see some changes at Wrestling Weekly Rope Break? Drop me a tweet and tell me! Don't like my point of view? Comment and tell me how wrong i am!

@wrestlingrbreak . Sign up. Join the conversation. Get your wrestling education!!!

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